Severo Ochoa PhD fellowships

Severo Ochoa PhD fellowships at IFIC
The Institute for Corpuscular Physics (IFIC) is seeking to fill up to 10 Severo Ochoa PhD positions. The PhD projects would last 4 years and they will focus on the following areas:
  1. Initiative on Medical Physics. Topics covered: medical imaging for diagnostics and treatment assessment, dosimetry, protontherapy and accelerator development for medical applications. Contact: Gabriela Llosa (
  2. Initiative on Quantum Technology (theory). Tasks include the development and application of quantum algorithms to simulation of physical phenomena in particle physics, quantum machine learning, optimisation and minimisation problems, and quantum metrology and sensing for precision measurements beyond classical limits. Contact: German Rodrigo (
  3. Initiative on Advanced Instrumentation (experimental). Working on the development of one of two initiatives: a full detection system based on depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensors or neutron-gamma sensors for societal applications.    TEXT Contacts: Carlos Mariñas ( and Cesar Domingo (
  4. Higgs Physics (theory and experiment). The group offers projects on the Higgs boson properties at high-energy colliders with machine learning analysis at the ATLAS experiment with LHC Run 3 data and/or precise theoretical predictions. Contact: Salva Marti (
  5. Neutrino Physics (theory and experiment). Neutrino are at the forefront of experimental and theoretical research since the discovery of their no-zero masses in neutrino oscillation experiments at the end of the XX century. IFIC plays a leadership role in several major experiments, as DUNE, NEXT and KM3NeT, and in theoretical developments to address neutrino properties from neutrino oscillation experiments and cosmological observations. Contact: Anselmo Cervera (
  6. Flavour and Quark Matter (theory and experiment). The group offers PhD projects in various areas. The existence of a threefold repetition of quark and lepton particles, that are only distinguished by their interactions with the Higgs boson (their masses), is one of the major open problems in particle physics. Another area of very active research is the interpretation of the newly discovered exotic resonances as tetra or pentaquark states, and the search of exotic long-lived particles. IFIC is heavily involved in these research lines with world-leading experts in both theory and experiment (LHCb and Belle II). Contact: Juan Nieves (
  7. Astroparticles, Dark Matter and Cosmology (theory and experiment). The topic for this position should be aligned with the research lines of the groups working at IFIC on cosmic messengers (in particular, cosmic neutrinos), dark matter searches or cosmology. IFIC participates in various international collaborations, such as KM3NeT, ATLAS, LHCb, MAPP-MoEDAL, NA64, RAD.ES, babyIAXO and CADEx. It is also involved in the future project MATHUSLA and has an active theory group. Contact: Juande Zornoza (
  8. Gravitational Waves and Black Holes (theory). The group offers PhD projects in “GW detection with Deep Learning”, “Inflation meets observations” and "Cosmological tensions”. Contact: Dani Figueroa (
  9. The synthesis of nuclei (theory and experiment): The groups belonging to the “synthesis of nuclei” research line are seeking candidates to do a PhD work in nuclear physics. IFIC is a Spanish leading institution in nuclear physics, with a broad research program in experimental nuclear physics and theory. The experimental activity is done at world-class facilities like GSI/FAIR, LNL Legnaro, ISOLDE (CERN), RIKEN, GANIL, etc. with focus on nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and astrophysics.Contact: Alejandro Algora (
  10. Detector and accelerator R&D and computing for fundamental physics and societal challenges (experiment): Applications cover areas of fundamental physics, such as particle, nuclear, astro-particle and neutrino physics, and societal challenges, such as diagnostics and therapy assessment medical devices, industrial applications and environmental applications.Contacts: Marcel Vos ( y Gabriela Llosa (
Candidates are asked to send their application materials (CV, a cover letter with a motivation statement for the topic(s), and copies of University degrees and grades) to the contact person(s) indicated in the text, with subject “SO PhD fellowships”. They should also indicate the topic(s) they are interested.


Fecha de publicación: 
Mar, 13/08/2024
Fecha de cierre: 
Mar, 15/10/2024