Prof. Nicoló de Groot visits IFIC in September and October 2024

dt., 17/09/2024 - 08:32

Prof. Nicoló de Groot visits IFIC as "investigador invitado" (guest researcher) of the University of Valencia in September and October 2024

Nicoló de Groot is a full professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen in the Netherlands and a member of the Dutch center for particle physics NIKHEF. He gained his Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in 1993, working on the DELPHI experiment, and has held post-doctoral positions at NIKHEF, SLAC, U. Bristol and Rutherford laboratory. Throughout his early career he has been a part of the DELPHI, SLD, SMC, Babar and LCFI collaborations. 

Since 2004 he is full professor at Nijmegen, and since 2006 head of the experimental particle physics group that has joined the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. From 2016 to 2018 he was head of particle physics and from 2019-2023 vice-dean of the science faculty. He represented The Netherlands in the European Committee for Future Accelerators from 2013 to 2022.

Prof. de Groot has played important roles in the Dutch contribution to the ATLAS experiment, acting as program leader and national contact to CERN. His group was involved in discovery of the Higgs boson in the ZZ and WW channels, and in the subsequent measurement of its mass, spin and parity. The group has also played an important role in searches for new physics. Currently, he is active in the international computing board and in searches for di-Higgs production.

He is also a member of PTOLEMY collaboration that aims to measure the neutrino mass and detect relic neutrinos from the Big Bang. His group works on the design of the Tritium target. He also studies the enrichment of radioactive isotopes for experiments in fundamental physics and medical applications. 


Prof. de Groot can be found in office B-1-3 during his stay at IFIC. At the IFIC Seminar on the 29th of October prof. de Groot will give a talk on the PTOLEMY experiment.