RESUELTA // Post-doctoral position at IFIC-Valencia ATLAS group
The IFIC-Valencia ATLAS group invites talented candidates to apply for one post-doctoral position to work on the detector upgrade, trigger and data acquisition systems, and data analysis activities of the experiment.
At IFIC-Valencia, we are at the forefront of fundamental research in experimental particle physics. Our group focuses on various areas of interest, including the development of the Pre-Processor and signal reconstruction of the Tile Calorimeter for the HL-LHC detector upgrade. We are also extensively involved in the operations and development of the trigger system within the ATLAS experiment.
Our group is involved in the captivating realms of Higgs and top-quark physics. The investigations of our group encompass precision measurements of the top-quark properties, probing its coupling to gauge bosons and the Higgs particle. Furthermore, our group scrutinizes the coupling of the Higgs boson to fundamental particles, explores its self-coupling, and searches for signs of New Physics within the Higgs sector, such as lepton flavor violation decays and the existence of additional Higgs bosons.
As a successful candidate, you will contribute to both detector and physics analysis activities within IFIC group. Your role will involve exploiting the data from both Run 2 and Run 3, while also playing a pivotal role in the ongoing upgrade activities.
Job Conditions:
Competitive salary and benefits based on the Spanish public service pay scale. Initial contract duration of 2 years, with the possibility of extension to a 3rd year (subject to funding).
Location: Valencia, with the opportunity for stays at CERN.
If you are passionate about particle physics and hold a Ph.D. in the field, we encourage you to apply. Prepare an application letter showcasing your research interests, along with your CV and the names of at least two potential referees who can provide reference letters.