Dr. Ander Simon visits IFIC on 11th of September, 2024

Mon, 09/09/2024 - 09:20

Dr. Ander Simon visits IFIC on 11th of September, 2024

Dr. Simón’s career has focused on experimental neutrino physics with emphasis on the development and operation of high pressure noble gas electroluminescent time projection chambers (TPC). He got his PhD at IFIC in 2017, where he developed reconstruction algorithms for the NEXT experiment. In 2018 he got a Kreitman Foundation Fellowship at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel, where he worked in characterizing noble gases as mediums under different conditions. At the same time, he was named Run Coordinator of NEXT, a position he carried during NEXT-White operation. He was awarded in 2021 a prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships in a joint appointment at University of Chicago and Donostia International Physics Center to characterize and develop different techniques to detect CEνNS at the European Spallation Source. Recently, he was awarded a Ramon y Cajal fellowship within which he plans to further develop the noble gas TPC technique.

At the IFIC Topical Seminar on September 11th at 11h30 (Europe/Madrid) he will give a talk entitled: "Novel approaches to noble gas detectors for neutrino physics". More information about his talk can be found here: https://indico.ific.uv.es/event/7716/