About IFIC

Joaquín Catalá de Alemany
The Instituto de Física Corpuscular is a joint centre between the Spanish Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) and the University of Valencia devoted to research in Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle Physics and its applications to Medical Physics and to other fields of Science and Technology.
In July 1985 started what can be considered the recent period of the Instituto de Física Corpuscular when the University of Valencia and CSIC signed a cooperation agreement by which a joint institute of shared ownership was created under the regulations provided by the framework cooperation agreement between both organizations that had been signed at the end of 1983. This joint centre kept its previous name in order to honour the tradition of Valencia in the field of Nuclear and Particle Physics that already at that time had more than 30 years of history.
In the new institute converged experimental and theoretical physicists and, in addition to the lecturers and professors of the University of Valencia, this institute was joined in the following years by Spanish and foreign researchers who worked in several institutions from abroad.
In 2015, IFIC was awarded with the ‘Severo Ochoa’ accreditation as center of excellence in recognition of its outstanding performance and scientific contributions at national and international level, its impact at industrial and social level, and the ability to attract scientific talent.