IFIC screens the documentary "Picture a Scientist", an activity coordinated by Proyecto Meitner and CID-IFIC
Tomorrow, Thursday 22nd June, at 15h, a screening of the documentary "Picture a Scientist" will take place in the Salón de Actos del Edificio de Cabecera del Parc Científic de la Universitat de València (PCUV). The event, coordinated by Proyecto Meitner and the IFIC Equality and Diversity Commission (CID-IFIC), with the support of the CSIC's Distinctive of Equality, will close with a discussion on the situationsxposed in the film.
This documentary, directed by Ian Cheney and Sharon Shattuck, deals with the difficulties encountered by women scientists during their professional careers. Throughout, biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks and geologist Jane Willenbring guide viewers on an in-depth journey into their own experiences in science, ranging from brutal harassment to years of subtle slights. Along the way, from crowded labs to fieldwork in Antarctica, we meet brilliant researchers, including social scientists, neuroscientists and psychologists, who offer new perspectives on how to make science more diverse, equitable and open to all.
The film was part of the official selection of the Tribeca Film Festival 2020.
The documentary is offered as part of the physical exhibition of Express-Arte ConCiencia contest, an activity framed as part of Proyecto Meitner, now in its third edition, and whose works are exhibited in the hall of the Salón de Actos del Edificio de Cabecera PCUV. The main objective of the contest is to publicise and study in depth the work of different pioneers in Nuclear and Particle Physics, so that they can serve as a reference for a new generation of women scientists with greater self confidence in their own abilities.