Reaction of the Spanish network for future colliders to the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics
The Spanish network for future colliders unites 16 institutes, among theoretical and high-energy physics institutes, technological centres, universities and representatives from Spanish science industry. The network is currently led by Alberto Ruiz-Jimeno (IFCA, UC/CSIC, Santander) and Marcel Vos (IFIC, UV/CSIC, Valencia).
The network has received the strategy with enthousiasm. It is very positive that the European high-energy-physics community has produced a clear document that outlines the future of the field. We are glad that the strategy update acknowledges the importance of a new electron-positron "Higgs factory" and hope that, with the supporting statement for the International Linear Collider, the project can now go ahead in Japan, with a strong contribution by Europe and CERN. It is good to see, furthermore, an ambitious program for the next large-scale facility in Europe, with the endorsement of technical studies into a very-high-energy hadron collider and a strong support for R&D into novel accelerating technologies and detectors, to advance theory and computing and to reinforce collaboration with industry.