Roger José Hernández-Pinto visits IFIC
Dr. Roger José Hernández-Pinto, from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (Mexico), is visiting IFIC from the 30th of October to the 26th of November. His office is located at IATA (office 510). He is an active collaborator of the LHCPHENO theory group. Moreover, since 2017, the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and IFIC have strengthened their ties through a bilateral collaboration agreement to promote the mutual exchange of students and researchers.
His work is mainly focused on unveling the fundamental interactions of matter at the CERN's Large Hadron Collider from precison modelling of high-energy scattering processes. In particular, he is one of the main authors of the Loop-Tree Duality formalism, a new perturbative method in quantum field theory aimed to overcome the current theory limitations in the comparison with data by exploiting the undelying symmetries of multiloop scattering amplitudes.