Manibrata Sen visits IFIC from the 28th of March to 1st of April
Manibrata completed his PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2018 at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, where he worked with Prof. Amol Dighe and Dr. Basudeb Dasgupta as his mentors. He did a postdoc as a member of the N3AS network, during which he worked both at the Northwestern University (Chicago) and at UC Berkeley. He is now a postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg (Germany). His research focuses on topics in neutrino physics, and dark matter physics, especially in the context of the early Universe, as well as compact astrophysical objects, like core-collapse supernovae and binary neutron star mergers. Trained as a neutrino theorist, he combines inputs from astrophysics and cosmology to probe some of the most fundamental questions in our Universe in upcoming experiments. He will give an IFIC seminar on March 29th on "Supernovae as probes of soft lepton number violation”. He will be visiting in the period 28th of March - 1st of April and he will stay in the office 1-1-4.