IFIC hosts the Belle II CMOS upgrade kick-off meeting
Although the real data taking has started only a few months ago, the Belle II collaboration is already thinking into the future. 30 Belle II collaborators from Germany, Italy, France, Austria and Spain will get together for exploring a possible upgrade of the actual vertex detector using commercial depleted active pixel sensors. In the meeting, hosted by Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC, CSIC-UV) from 17th to 18th of December, there will be discussions about fast and low power CMOS technology options, high rate data acquisition systems, all the way down to low mass support and cooling developments. The goal of this meeting is to start defining a design concept and prepare the milestones to be reached in the incoming years. This workshop is organized within the GenT project 'Advanced Pixel Detectors for Future Colliders', and is co-funded by IFIC.